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Navigating 360 is particularly aimed at the "transformers" who have a common responsibility and a common self-interest in preparing society for a new reality. They  include, among other things:   The government - Politicians - Authorities - Interest organizations - Society's supporting institutions such as the education sector - Civil society - Institutional investors - The large foundations They also  have a common need to quickly find their way around a constantly changing landscape and identify new solutions. Adaptability and management power become the dominant requirements.

Navigating 350 can help fulfill those requirements. This is done by developing a strategic compass that optimizes the institution, sector or company's ability to quickly and precisely adapt to new conditions - even the extreme ones. The compass has the following "corners of the world"


The new reality: Which conditions will dominate in the coming years?


  • The new requirements and expectations: What new role may need to be played

  • The new landscape: What characterizes the new surroundings to be navigated in?

  • The new needs: What new needs can be expected to be in demand?

  • The new solutions: What types of solutions might be needed?

  • The new relationships: Which new actors are on the way, who do you have to deal with?

  • The new stories: How new messages are conveyed to the outside world


The examples are not exhaustive and can be adjusted according to individual needs. The questions are answered by a "navigation team"  with the necessary skills - researchers and other experts - who can embrace complex challenges and potential opportunities. They can vary from task to task - depending on whether it is about skills, infrastructure, behavior etc. It also determines scope, duration etc.'


The reporting is based on individual wishes and needs

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