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"The next decade will be characterized by environmental and societal crises, driven by underlying geopolitical and economic trends. "Biodiversity loss and ecosystem collapse" is viewed as one of the fastest deteriorating global risks over the next decade, and all six environmental risks feature in the top 10 risks over the next 10 years. Nine risks are featured in the top 10 rankings over both the short and the long term, including "Geoeconomic confrontation" and "Erosion of social cohesion and societal polarisation", alongside two new entrants to the top rankings: "Widespread cybercrime and cyber insecurity" and “Large-scale involuntary migration”

This is the conclusion of the Global Risk Report 2023 from the World Economic Forum. It has been prepared by 1200 key people from universities, research centres, leading companies, leaders from civil society, international organizations and others. They confirm a number of other analyses such as the UN's Emission Gap Report and the landmark study "Climate Endgame - Exploring catastrophic climate change scenarios”.


Navigating 360 is currently based on these analyses as they precisely frame the type of issues that we as a society must find answers to...

360 degree mapping

Navigating 360 is a strategic think tank built around a network of prominent researchers who together embrace the ecosystem of competencies needed to address such complex and integrated risks and crises as described in the Global Risks Report as well as other international analyses. The common denominator in the analyzes is that every institution, sector and company prepares 360-degree maps of possible risks and opportunities.


“ Risk management and effective decisions require knowledge of extreme conditions. The challenges we are now confronted with  belong to the category of “great uncertainty”. We do not know the consequences of the various scenarios, which chain reactions are triggered, let alone the extent and time perspective. But despite the uncertainty, it should motivate to map the probable risks and their potential opportunities”.


This is precisely the task that Navigating 360 has undertaken, i.e. by involving researchers with the greatest insight into the new risks - and thus skills to embrace complex challenges.

An ecosystem of unique knowledge

Below you can find a brief presentation of the Danish researchers currently associated with Navigating 360.

​The network will be supplemented as necessary with other researchers and experts in order to meet broadly formulated requirements. Together, they form an ecosystem of competencies that can embrace different crises.

Forskernes netværk

Forskerne indgår i en række netværk, der spiller sammen og kan adressere forskellige situationer og dermed afspejle den dynamik og bevægelighed, som risiciene også udtrykker. Derfor optræder forskerne i flere netværk.

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Navigating 360 har tilknyttet et team af seniorrådgivere. Deres opgave er dels at bidrage med at sætte kursen for Navigating 360, dels bygge bro mellem forskerne og det øvrige samfund.


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